Antihustle Nation Podcast

32 More Joy & Money w/ M. Shannon Hernandez



This week I chat with M. Shannon Hernandez, founder of The Confident Expert Program™ and creator of the Content Personality ™ wheel. We discuss the importance of living your lifestyle values so you can have more joy & money, how to use your personality for success and more. Shannon Hernandez is not your average entrepreneur. After a 15 year public teaching career, she jumped feet first into her journey as a business owner, and within just a few years, she had built a multi-six figure business. A sought after expert in the world of content marketing and strategy, Shannon is known globally as the creator of the Content Personality™ Wheel. She is a voice and role model for Thought Leaders around the world, teaching them how to market their innovative ideas in a way that honors who they are and what they believe. In 2016 Shannon founded The Confident Expert Program, where she champions and rallies entrepreneurs, teaching them how to market their businesses from a place of intuition, integrity, and JOY--and