Flack Pack

Brand Journalism Makes PR Fun Again! Mark Ragan and Jim Ylisela Share How



Gone are the days when a PR shop could write a news release, create a photo opportunity, call a news conference, and get every reporter in town to cover the story. Equally rare is the moment when a journalist says yes to a story pitch.  The news business has changed. Journalists are interested in fewer and fewer stories. Meanwhile, the news and information people want and maybe even need, about decisions, programs, and policies, is being left behind, unreported and unknown to the masses. Do you have a good story to tell? Or an angle on something happening in your community? Do you know an expert who could advance the debate? Good luck getting today’s newsrooms, themselves on the decline, to pay attention to your pitch. For decades, former journalists Mark Ragan and Jim Ylisela have been on a mission to show PR people a better way. Their cause, aided by the internet, makes sense now more than ever. It’s called brand journalism, and we’re exploring it on this week’s episode of the Flack Pack. Brand Journalism N