Flack Pack

You Have a PR Corp. Who's in it? A Social Media Week London Discussion with Rebecca Blinston-Jones, Gareth Davies, and Pippa Ellis



Flack Pack got a chance to go to Social Media Week in London! This year’s theme was “Closer." We explored the changes and impact that today’s rapid pace of technological innovation brings about, which includes social media. One discussion we had at the conference is a segment of today’s population that has some important and unique characteristics, and that uses social media pretty heavily. These individuals are called CorpSumers and they can have a big impact on brands and organizations. CorpSumers care about your values and are extremely loyal brand activists.   In this episode, Rebecca Blinston-Jones, Gareth Davies, and Pippa Ellis from MWWPR’s London office share with us why this is a part of the population that you’ll want on your side—and NOT positioned against you. LINKS: Social Media Week London CorpSumers Rebecca Blinston-Jones Gareth Davies Pippa Ellis