Sound Behavior, With Don Crosby

Your Sound Behavior Minute – Airline Companion – Episode 011



On one of my last flights I sat next to a guy who was living the American dream. Hi this is “Don Crosby with your Sound Behavior Minute”. After what seemed like hours of listening to Jackson talk about his family, business, cars, travel and amazing lifestyle… he asked me… so… sir what do you do for a living? I said, thank you for asking, I help people by introducing them… to themselves and to their loved ones… He was so fascinated that it took him only minutes to complete my assessment… then his eyes began to water as I introduced him… to his true self… of stress, pure exhaustion and low satisfaction… and then we talked like old friends for the next 2 hours until we landed. I believe sitting next to Jackson was no coincidence… he, like too many people are troubled from real life and the value to have someone to understand them is priceless. Thank you for your interest and supporting Sound Behavior.