Tea Time With Tyler

Tea Time Theatre Presents! DONNIE DARKO



   Tea Time Theatre Presents! Sparkle Motion: A Dark & Dreamy Deep-Dive Into The Films Of Richard Kelly Part 2 of 3: Donnie Darko (2001) is about a boy who, after having a near death experience, starts seeing apparitions of an anthropomorphized rabbit. Richard Kelly’s career is very short, only 3 films and we are upset! So we watched them all at once! We revisit the films of Richard Kelly in this 3 part series and dig deeper into his intricate puzzles for stories. We would love for you to join us! In Part 1 we discussed Kelly's last film, The Box. For this part, throw on the 2001 film Donnie Darko (it’s online somewhere), Richard Kelly’s first film! What a big first feature film! Play the podcast in your headphones (if you want). We even tell you when to press play on your end so you can use us for a full-on commentary! Cool, right????! We thought so. It is definitely something that has never been done before, just like Richard Kelly’s films, so let’s go already! Watch Donnie Darko, and play the