Odd Tonic

Superstitions, Scrying, and Sleepovers



Come sleepover in the parlour, where Maxwell and Jennifer stay up far too late discussing superstitions. Then join as they light a candle, enter a darkened bathroom, and peer into the dark and mysterious history of mirrors. Dare to see what peers back.. Superstitions, Scrying, and Sleepovers Sources: The Encyclopedia of Superstitions, by Richard Webster https://www.exploringtraditions.com/the-art-of-scrying/ http://hauntedattractiononline.com/haunted-mirrors-world/ http://www.theoccultmuseum.com/dark-reflections-legend-bloody-mary/ https://books.google.com/books?id=pXvRNI1S55EC&pg=PA34&lpg=PA34&dq=scrying+boys+fingernails&source=bl&ots=e30K1MDXI6&sig=ACfU3U0SrRlWYaDmEs6ukbkPrOds0Y7e2g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdmcHey7fiAhWmslQKHd4nDP0Q6AEwE3oECGUQAQ#v=onepage&q=scrying%20boys%20fingernails&f=false   How to Scry: A black mirror or a regular mirror can be used. Whichever you use, you don’t want to see your reflection. The best is to leave the mirror on a table and l