Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Synchronicity: How to Invite The Angels into Your Life



How Synchronicity Works and How to Invite More Miracles Into Your Life with the Angelic Realm NOTE: At about 5 minutes there is a technical issue and it goes silent. Fast forward to around 11 minutes and the show continues. Thank you! Angelic Channel, Hypnotist and Healer Krista Moore tunes in to the angelic realm to help you understand "synchroncity" and how it can help you take steps ahead on your path, bringing helpful people and events into your life, and making sure you are in the right place at the right time. Krista takes live callers on a journey of the soul, where you get to experience the healing energies, messages and light, opening and expanding your world.   Krista Moore is an Angelic Channel, certified Metaphysical Hypnotist (CH), certified Spiritual Director and healer, who helps you access the spiritual realms and your spiritual "essence" so you too can hear, sense, see or feel the powerful healing energies and answers you need to live a miraculous life. Step on to the path now with Channel