Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Why Do You Suffer? And The New Path of Light



How to Overcome Suffering Through Accessing Your Channel of Light The world is full of suffering, trauma and heartache. Some are kinder than others and are here to raise consciousness, have compassion, and become aware of another way. Are you one?  First we must transcend our own suffering, and then we can become a Channel of Light. Here is how. CALL - IN INSTRUCTIONS: To be a part of the show, please call in at least 10 minutes prior to air time, and we will do our best to bring you in. All participants take responsiblity for their own physical, mental and emotional well-being and are willing and open to receive. Thank you! Krista Moore is a Channel of Light, Healer, certified Metaphysical Hypnotist (CH) and Spiritual Director, who has travelled the road of the world, from the corporate world, to being a professional actress, and leaving that all behind to follow her spiritual calling. She holds spiritual retreats, workshops and groups in Toronto and all over the world. For more, or to book a private se