Channel Of Light With Krista Moore




PEACE MEDITATION: God's Greatest Gift to You - Peace of Mind Krista takes you on a journey into the Greater Field of Light, seeding peace and raising awareness of the power and impact of peace on you and the world around you. This is an experiential, deep meditation that can be listened to again and again. Make sure you are in a safe and relaxed place and are not driving.   For the blog that goes with this meditation, go to Krista Moore channels the Angelic realms to help you get back on track and clear about what concerns you.  She is a certified Metaphysical Hypnotist (CH), certified Spiritual Director and soon to be RYT200 Yoga Instructor. Having spent 10 years in the corporate world, she transformed her life, became a professional actress, and now channels, teaches and writes to help you live a miraculous life! For more resourcees go to: