Jewish Songwriter

2.11 | Charlie Kramer - "Closer"



This week, my man Charlie Kramer from LA opens up about his blindness and how that has impacted his life as a Jewish songwriter.  Then we talk about the powerful message of hope behind his tune "Closer." Listen to "Closer" and all of the featured songs that have appeared on Jewish songwriter by subscribing to the Jewish Songwriter Playlist on YouTube and Spotify.   Legally blind and armed with an acoustic guitar, Charlie Kramer unites, magnetizes and elevates the communities around him. A touring songleader, songwriter & spiritual leader. Charlie has sung with communities throughout North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand.   Full time song leader at Temple Israel of Hollywood, Head Songleader 3 years running at Camp Hess Kramer in Malibu, Faculty at the 2016 UPJ Shir Chadash Conference (Union for Progressive Judaism), Presenter at the 2017 ACC Mid Winter Retreat (American Conference of Cantors), featured as an “Emerging Artist” on Jewish Rock Radio, Faculty at the 2019 SLBC National Conference (S