Jefferson Liberty Radio

June 1st, 2019: California and Guns



Join us as we chat with with Sam Paredes of Gun Owners of California about guns, both at the state and federal level Gun Owners of California Automated Firearms System (AFS) (Wikipedia) Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS) (scroll down a bit to the APPS section) Certificate of Eligibility (COE) AFS Records Request Form Rhode v. Becerra (challenging CA’s ammunition restrictions) Duncan v. Becerra (challening CA’s “large capacity” magazine ban) Young v. Hawaii (Challenge to Hawaii statutes regulating Carry Permits as violating the Second Amendment.) New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., Petitioners v. City of New York, New York (challenging NY’s firearm restrictions) SCOTUSblog on this case Baird v. Becerra Kettler v. United States (challenging the constitutionality of the National Fireams Act of 1934 ) Featureless Rifles (Wikipedia) Call Gun Owners of CA We are still looking for sponsors. If you or anyone that you now of are interested in sponsoring our show, get in touch with us! We’d love