Q Ideas

Does religion contribute to society? The Halo Effect – Brian Grim, Byron Johnson, and Rick McKinley



Forty-six percent of Americans believe religion is part of the problem in our society. Yet faith is the motivation for many of the critical social services and programs that benefit the most vulnerable populations. Congregations, faith-based businesses, and charities lift people up in times of need in ways that few other institutions or government programs can. In this conversation, you will see the important role faith-based organizations play in renewing civil society. Also, what would it look like for a church to not only release its people into the world to fulfill their mission but to come beside them to enable their dreams? In Portland, one of the most progressive and unchurched cities in America, Imago Dei has learned how to empower their people to do more than show up on Sunday mornings. They train them to become restorers. Learn from Pastor Rick McKinley the principles that have made his community a beacon of light in the midst of a fog of disbelief.