Literary Speaking

How My Dog Saved Me From Myself with Julie Barton



Julie Barton discusses how a rescue dog saved her from debilitating depression when no one else could and her pet memoir, Dog Medicine. Julie also shares how she handled rejection and pursued her path to getting her book published. Julie Barton is a New York Times bestselling author who has been published in Brain Child Magazine, The South Carolina Review, Louisiana Literature, Two Hawks Quarterly, Westview, The Huffington Post, and more. Her memoir, Dog Medicine: How My Dog Saved Me From Myself, was initially released by Think Piece Publishing (Nov 2015), then published by Penguin Books, released July 19, 2016. Crystal-Lee Quibell is the host of Literary Speaking, a weekly podcast dedicated to helping writers learn from best-selling authors, literary agents, and publishers. Founder of The Magical Writers Group. She is a champion for the written word, student of publishing and an obsessive book collector with a serious case of wanderlust. Her upcoming essay is to be featured in the forthcoming book, The Mag