Literary Speaking

The Successful Freelancer with Edie Weinstein



The Successful Freelancer with Edie Weinstein and Crystal-Lee Quibell discuss how to build a long-term career as a successful freelancer; interviewing the Dali Lama, how to submit articles to popular online magazines and what Edie’s learned from publishing her best-selling book. Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW is a colourfully creative journalist, dynamic transformational speaker, interfaith minister, licensed social worker, radio host and author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary. Crystal-Lee Quibell is the host of Literary Speaking, a weekly podcast dedicated to helping writers learn from best-selling authors, literary agents, and publishers. Founder of The Magical Writers Group, a private teaching forum for writers specifically focused on memoir. She is a champion for the written word, student of publishing and an obsessive book collector with a serious case of wanderlust. A self-described mermaid and witchy woman for life, she believes that life is better with books