Lab Radio

Ep 64 - Creating Freedom, Anarchy 3.0 and how Content Creators can earn Crypto



Ashe Oro, Liberty Entrepreneur and founder of Liberty VAs What is Liberty, Blockchains and Anarchy 3.0? Well, you're going to find out in this episode!  Ashe Oro has been around the Blockchain space for many years and has even hosted a podcast called Liberty Entrepreneurs, helping his audience learn the virtues of freedom, entrepreneurship and sovereign money. He began as a Computer Engineering student and eventually morphed into the Head of Business Development for Euro Pacific Bank.  In 2013, Ashe discovered how Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain tech can protect personal freedom due to its decentralized nature and ability to facilitate a free market of non-fiat digital currencies. In the Blockchain community, Ashe is: Building SteemSmarter, an analytics and reporting platform for the Steem blockchain. Advising Chintai, a decentralised leasing platform on EOS blockchain. Advising, a decentralised identification network on Ethereum blockchain. "I help people build freedom. Everything else is de