Equipping University

Romans 9: Unconditional Election



Election is a controversial topic yet the church cannot avoid discussing it. Election is a biblical term, a biblical concept, and the Bible discusses it frequently. Indeed, the topic appears multiple times in almost all of Paul's letters. He even begins his letter to the Ephesians, a group of recently converted pagans, with this very topic that most Christians today believe should never be discussed at all. Therefore, the question is not "Does the Bible teach election?" but "What exactly does the Bible teach about election?" Unconditional election to salvation may be defined as God's gracious choice, made in eternity past, of those whom He would save by faith through the atoning death of His Son. This choice was based not upon anything that those so chose would do, or any choice they would make, or on how good or bad they might be, or on anything else specifically true about them in contrast to others. Instead, this choice is based solely on God's own good pleasure and will. In light of this understanding,