Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Is it really a priority?



Prayer is a responsibility and a privilege. But is it really a priority? How do you make or keep it a priority? I am so thankful to be a child of God. Belonging to God's family means that I have the privilege of coming boldly into God's presence. I can open my heart and share it with Him without shame or fear. Because there are so many different kinds of families, some great and some dysfunctional, I want to give you a snapshot of my dad to explain why I love to pray. My dad is holding my sister. My mom is holding my brother. And my older sister is standing beside my mother. I'm the little girl playing in front of my dad.[/caption]   There are so many things that I could say about my dad. He was quiet. Kind. Good looking- I look like my daddy. LOL! He was hard working. I'm like my dad in that respect too. He loved to garden. I'm not sure if he loved gardening because he enjoyed watching it grow or the influence of living through The Great Depression drove him to gardening. He was generous with the seed and th