Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Glorious King Jesus (Revelaton 1:12)



“Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands,” (Revelation 1:12 ESV). None of the gospel writers tried to do it. They could have, but Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John never attempted to describe Jesus' outward appearance. Jesus' words, actions, and passion all elicited full detail, but not his looks. We might try to imagine him, and many ancient and contemporary artists have rendered him, but it is all speculative, and usually quite off. But there is one moment Jesus' physical appearance is recorded. In the first chapter of Revelation, John had a vision of the exalted and glorified Christ. It is the book of Revelation after all, and Jesus is the one whom it reveals. And when John saw him, he fell at his feet as dead (Revelation 1:17). He was astounded at the power and beauty of King Jesus. Zechariah said, "How great is his goodness, and how great his beauty!" (Zechariah 9:17). John would agree. We are often tempted to paint a caricature of Jesus, our own li