Gonzo After Dark

Ep#11 #Can a guy and a girl have a strickly platonic relationship?



Tonight we are going to discuss the controversial topic that relates to relationships between opposite sexes.   Respectively, can a male and female have a 100% strictly platonic relationship, without it leading to something further? 10 PM tonight Trent and M.J. would like to open discussion and would like listeners of the show gonzo after dark to call in and shed some insight on the topic on whether males and females can be just friends.  Our goal is to achieve more of an understanding about the relationship between males and females. We would also like to use our friendships as being friends  to prove this theory as true.  In addition to discerning what are the pros and cons of dating your BFF if the line of friendship is crossed. Our truth is if trust is established between all involved  then no one should be alarmed unless there are an ulterior motives on someone’s end.  What is your perspective and are there some male and femal relationships, whether it was established in childhood or even if you met s