Fine Minds

'African Equus: Jouneys of Blood and Dust' by Prof Susan Kidson



Fine Music Radio — Susan Kidson of UCT discuss's how the relationship between humankind and equids – a family that includes horses, asses, donkeys, and zebras – shaped the path of history on the African continent. In this Fine Minds lecture, Professor Kidson will draw on research by Equus in Africa, a documentary project about the history of the horse family on our continent. The Equus in Africa project began in a film editing suite when director Erica Brumage and producer Katherine Leach-Lewis found themselves chatting about their mutual love of horses and wondering why no documentary series had yet tackled the subject of horses in Africa. They soon found a wealth of relevant material across many disciplines, including history, biology, culture and art. When Sue Kidson, a cell biologist at UCT, became involved, she brought her expertise as a zoologist and geneticist to the mix. From Hipparion, a grazing four-toed horse whose footprints were found preserved beside those of early hominids in Tanzania, to