That Vet Life

24 - Becoming a Veterinary Adventurer, with Dr. Campbell Costello



Occam's Razor is a principle, that in it's most basic form states, 'the simplest solution is usually the best.' This is the leading principle behind Occam's Vet Division, the new initiative led by Dr. Campbell Costello @dr_cozy. Through this program Dr. Cozy will provide veterinary students the opportunities to learn hands on veterinary skills in some of the most incredible regions of the world. Don't believe me, just listen to today's episode in which Dr. Cozy recounts his veterinary career and the many adventures it has brought him on. From the icy tundra of Alaska, to the wilds of Mongolia and the unforgiving outback of Australia, Dr. Cozy has worked in some of the most amazing locations providing veterinary care to a variety of animals and communities. I had so much fun recording this episode.  The joy he has in his work can be heard through every word he says as he recounts his many stories from his career. I only wish I could have fit them all into today's episode. Want to get involved and work wi