Jonah Raydio

Cucumber Episode



Happy New Year everyone! Last episode from 2014 everybody, and it’s a very personal episode filled with shouting! Lots of drop ins and edits from your main man Neil Mahoney (@NAILS13 on Instagram, @NEILMAHONEY on Twitter @KnitTheseNuts on Etsy). Warm and friendly words from Deanna Rooney, Stoney Sharp and Ben Goetting and a jaw-dropping late pop-in from Dan Weidenfeld and his wonderful lady Nichole.Cash and I are there too, but that's normal.Big end of year love to our biggest supporters Dana Lechtenberg and of course the best and brightest Adam Rodrigues, whom I accidentally deleted from the “official text chain” and did not make it to the recording. My pennance is that I have to write up the notes myself (by the way, this is Neil Mahoney @NAILS13 on Instagram, @NEILMAHONEY on Twitter, @LordFartleroy on PBS Downton Abbey Message Boards).