Jonah Raydio

The New New New Neil Mahoney



Valuable because of its scarcity, its the Guestless episode. Well done by all involved. We speculate on what exactly a “Wolfman Jack In The Box” shirt looks liake. We play a bunch of submitted music and some ol’ favorites. Neil continues his perfect attendance record. Check out the DC music scene doc Salad Days   SONGS   The Beatdown- It's Alright   The Stools- 30 MG Blues   Someone Who Isn’t Me EP from Fourth Line Records- Broken Cars   Braided Veins- Everything Dies   Not Safe To Drink EP   Evan Wardell- Getting Bigger   Apiaries- Neighborhood Ghosts   Tully Craft- Superboy and Supergirl    Tully Craft- Pops Songs Your New Boyfriend too Stupid to Know About