Dr. Arlene Barro

Dr. Arlene Introduces WIN Without Competing! Branding Seminar Series for Women



On the WIN Without Competing! show Dr. Arlene speaks directly to women.  She says, "Eliminate the competitive mindset which forces you to focus on others: an unnecessary distraction from you.  Instead, focus ONLY on yourself to WIN Without Competing! in the First Branding Seminar Series for Women!" Author, Erica Jong observed, we make our own prisons.  Based on barro global’s research, Dr. Arlene is convinced that we build these prisons chiefly out of erroneous assumptions. Women make a wide array of erroneous assumptions which negatively impacts on their ability to achieve unlimited success.The barriers that women create stunt their professional growth.  After participating in the seminars, women will be ready to change their behavior which includes deleting erroneous assumptions, adopting the WIN Without Competing! mindset, and seizing unexpected opportunities, their success will soar.   Dr. Arlene discusses the Three Seminars in the Series which are, (I) Your Core Identity: Know Thyself Now, (2) Corpora