Dopple Avenue Hurt

Brentwood Heights Stories: Barry Goes to Washington - Part 1/3



Today, we take a glimpse into Brentwoods Heights most... beloved... charac... ah screw it, who are we kidding. This episode follows that piece of shit Barry around Brentwoods Heights doing stupid ass Barry shit. I mean really Shark Dropper? You really dedicated an entire story arc to his fucking guy? Really, lets break this down, think of how many man hours went into this, between the writing, the voice acting, recording, editing.... not to mention the poor listeners dedicating time out of their undoubtedly busy day just to listen to.... fucking Barry?  Well, whatever, I guess... here's Barry goes to Washingotn or wherever. Rate and review us on iTunes and please donate to our Patreon page if you would like to support this production.