Dopple Avenue Hurt

Case 2: The Red Letter - Part 1: A Broken Heart



In this epic return of James Keyes, he awakes in a hospital just days after being shot in the chest by Desmond Grant. Feeling defeated, he is eager to return to work and begin looking for Grant once more, but this time, for payback. Yet something distracts him from his plot of revenge, and that something is a new case. The Case of the Red Letter. A former actress legend, Julianne Goode, receives a letter from a fiancee that has long since passed, and she can only trust one man, one Private Investigator to solve it, and that one man, is James Keyes. Dust off that old fedora and plug those earbuds in, because it is a brand new season with a whole new case of Dopple Avenue Hurt. @sharkdropper Please, if you enjoy this show, spend 90 seconds and review us on iTunes. Also subscribe to our shows, and if you would like to donate to our production, please become a patron on our Patreon page.  Voices by: Kyle Appleyard, Amy Laureigh, Jose Caraballo, Jonathan Maas, Julia WD