Empowered Whole Being Radio

Quantum Consciousness, with guest Biophysicist William Brown!



Discover • Manifest • Transform! We are quite excited to have William Brown return as our guest during this episode!  William Brown is a biophysicist and research scientist at the Resonance Project Foundation (http://resonance.is/) and Hawai’i Institute for Unified Physics (http://hiup.org), where he performs experimentation and theoretical work to better understand the physics of complex systems.  He explores all systems of knowledge, from physics and biology to ontology and the nature of consciousness. William is currently working to bring forth new technologies and ideas to assist in the advancement of civilization and the health and prosperity of our global community and planet. Rob and I are pleased to have William update us on the latest discoveries from the Resonance Project Foundation. Please do join the discussion with your comments and questions by calling in or reaching out through our chat board!  Together WE create the Shift! One Love!