Empowered Whole Being Radio

What is Self-Value's Role in Accessing Wealth-Being Consciousness?



Discover • Manifest • Transform! In honor of this being Empowered Whole Being Radio's 100th episode, I will give away copies of my book in ePub format, Spiritual Transformation Simplified™, to everyone that calls in to the show!  After calling in, just provide your email via the contact form on www.EmpoweredWholeBeing.com. The importance of Self-Value is currently dominating my self-realization evolution.  This episode is devoted to sharing and exploring the concept and energetic frequency of Self-Value. I have shifted from using the term "Wealth Consciousness" to "Wealth-Being Consciousness"...because that truly is what the frequency is...the wealth of being!  We will also explore the energy of Wealth-Being and how to recognize and access it. It will be fun to share this new experience and chat about it with you! I'd love to hear about your self-realization journey!  Please do join in the discussion by calling or connecting through our chat board!   And as always, I invite you to empower your life with