Kingdom Awareness

"The Begining" host Pastor Mark Fields



I read somewhere that the greatest gift the eagle gives to its young is the “push” out of the nest.  When I reflected on this statement I began to think how we confuse our purpose with our titles and our gifts with our positions.  How did I come to this connection?  Well, I realize that the gift that the eagle gave its young was the gift to “Do” or Fly.  That is precisely what they were created to do.  Jesus was given all power and authority by God for the kingdom of God.  That authority was imparted to us through his spirit for the same purpose, “FOR” the kingdom of God. The same as the young eagle, there was no purpose to their lives until they discovered their wings and learned to fly.  They would be totally dependent on their mother to provide for them.  So how can we know our purpose and not know the kingdom of God?  It is not a religion, denomination, it is not titles.  It is God’s rule over your life.  We were given gifts, not trophies, but we use them as identifiers because we are too afraid of total