Kingdom Awareness

Kingdom Awareness Radio Host: Pastor Mark Fields



When I became wealthy, I began to realize that there are two separate mentalities when it comes to wealth.  I realized that those that acquire wealth do not seem to worry about their wealth.  They have someone else looking after their books.  But those who are seeking wealth worry about getting it.  These made me realize that if you do not trust the person keeping your books you can get into a great deal of trouble because you will not truly know where your wealth is going.  A good bookkeeper will always create new ways of residual wealth.  Royalty and wealthy people simply walk in knowing that their wealth will never run out, that there is always abundance. There is another side of wealth and that is greed and covetousness.  There are those that never seem to be satisfied with what they have and contemplate ways to get more and more, it is never enough.  They are never satisfied so they scheme others out of their wealth.  Others find ways to make other people’s lives better with their wealth.  I realize tha