Kingdom Awareness

Keys to the Kingdom



There is much association with keys to the kingdom, binding and loosing, and resistance.  But many only see them as a means to acquiring material, worldly things, and fleshly satisfactions, and not to understand the gospel of the kingdom of God (the only authorized message).  Keys, binding and loosing, and resisting are used to lock or unlock the message Jesus preached to invite the world to enter Jesus’s now ever present and coming kingdom. The enemy uses ignorance and counts on the misinformed coupled with the embedded deceivers (willingly or unwillingly) in the church to teach misinformation.  This misinformation builds a wall of resistance to the Truth with aims to destroy the body by diluting Jesus’ message.  Human reasoning, reinforced with that lack of understanding defended by lust, pleasure, and greed continues to deceive the very elect.  The kingdom message then becomes lost because it is being clouded and reduced to fleshly satisfactions.    Join us today to understand that resistance is the only