Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Gene Ang - Metatron, Melchizedek & Arcturian Healing Modality



Access Gene Ang's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/geneoffer2.htm Metatron-Melchizedek-Arcturia?n Healing Frequencies The Arcturian Healing Method will be showcasing a new set of frequencies this December in Level 6 called the Metatron-Melchizedek-Arcturian? (MMA) Mandala. Our upcoming On-line Healing Retreat will be one of the first times these frequencies have been used on a large scale setting. Today's interview hopes to place these new frequencies into the context of the overall healing method and how it can help people in general in their lives and spiritual path. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS www.acoustichealth.com