Pac Insights

Building A Community and Member Promtion



Welcome back to PAC Insights! Sharing news, tips, interviews, and PAC Member promotions. In this episode we'll be talking about building a community with some tips on doing so. Visit our website - Power Affiliate Club. Today's PAC Member spotlight isWilliam Otoole. He's doing a raffle for a very attractive garment - ladies, which may interest you! If you enter the raffle you may win one of these pricey, but shapely form fitting garments. Enter for just $10.00. Good Luck! You can become an affiliate for free, go to Nutrimwaist and eneter the Promo Code: 6464 Want to be a GUEST on PAC Insights? Go to our FAN Pgae, "like" and leave a comment and you'll be instantly entered in our current contest to be a guest. Contest ends Sunday, April 12! You must be 18 and older to enter. Thanks for listening! PAC Insights