Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Replay: The Human Assemblage Point - What is it and How Do We Adjust it?



Many of my energy healing students have questions about what the assemblage beam (also known as Assemblage Point) is, how it was "discovered" and why it is important. The Human Assemblage Point (AP) is a vortex running through the center of our body where the vibrations of our energy radiate out to make up our aura or electromagnetic field. When the AP is in the optimal position, the energy flows, fans out and surrounds us, our systems are in balance and harmony. However, when the AP is shifted out of it's proper posiiton there are some serious consequences in our health and we become "out of sync" with all that there is.  This issue has come up quite a bit in recent healings, so I decided to invite one of my trusted healer colleges a while back, Tyhson Banighen, on my show to share with you the answers to many questions.  1. Where exactly is the AP and what causes it to be out of alignment?  2. How did you find out about the AP? Is there any scientific "proof" it exists? 3. Is the AP the same as a Soul