Grassroots Holistic Health

Is The Vegan Raw Food Diet A Live-it Life Style



Your are invited to join us as we interview Mawule Jobe-Simon. With his vegan restuarant located in the ethnicly diverse community of Crown Heigths, in Brooklyn, New York. Raw Star restaurant is one of many vegan restaurants that are opening in various communities of New York City. Now that former President Bill Clinton has embraced the raw food vegan diet to assist in his maintaining a healthy heart, who knows what impact his influence may have on the eating habits of Americans and the food industry. Raw food is uncooked, unprocessed, and mostly organic food. Vegan is a philosophy and lifestyle that excludes the use of animals and all animal byproducts for food,clothing or any other purposes. Mawule was not alone when he became vegan at age fourteen in a Rastafarian neighborhood in Trinadad where he grew up. Mawule will share with us his journey from being mentored by Aris La Triam, the Panama-born pioneer gourmet raw food chief and his career as a Brooklyn based caterer/restauranteur. Mawule's grand