Grassroots Holistic Health

The last day of Kwanzaa - The Significance of Ritual



  We will discuss the last principle's of Kwanzaa , highlighting  the last principle which is Imani (Faith). We will also discuss the insight of Dr. Malidoma Patrice Some regarding Ritual.  The Dagara process of preparing for ritual As Malidoma states that the teaching of indigenous cultures may help us go beyond modernity. "There was a time when all people were indigenous people on some part of the Earth. But in the last half of the millennium, the migration of people from region to region and from countryside to city broke many of the ties we used to have to one another and to the land and water that supported us. Those who didn't make the move, the indigenous people of the world, can help us remember what it's like to be connected to the environment and to each other in a community. This is valuable not because we would necessarily want to return to the way we used to live, but becuase facets of that connectedness can contribute greatly as we create a sustainalbe way of life." To hear an interview with