Grassroots Holistic Health

Part V-Dr N. Akbar Natural Psychology & Human Transformation



The Society and The Butterfly....In this final segment, Dr Akbar shares the concept of spiritual knowledge and reality. He states that in cultures where spiritual knowledge is strong, people learn early that the invisible is more real than the visible, and how these cultures use nature as the language of the divine mind.  The people of ancient Kemet (called Egypt) actually referred to this language of the Divine as the (ntrs) Neters from which the word nature is derived. Join us as we continue to review and discuss Dr. Na-im Akbar's informative and thought provoking narative of human transformation. " In this book , Na'im Akbar asserts that we are more than the sum total of our actions and more than the makeup of our physical selves.  He also indicates that the essence of us is spiritual and that, as creations of God, we have growth and development potential that reaches far beyond our limited -and limiting perceptions of ourselves.  Natural psychology and Human Transformation revealed a truth to me that wa