Grassroots Holistic Health

Spiritual Warrior I - Techniques For Psychic Defense



During this segment we will discuss the how various techniques will help you when you are the tarket of mind intrusion and are not really responsible for the mental energy that is being inposed upon you.  You will act with wisdom because you will be able to recognize what is occurring. The Ancient Bhagavad-gita takes the form of a long conversation between the Lord and the warrior Arjuna. As Arjuna inquires about the spiritual truths of existence, the lord offers important insights into the nature of lust. Bhakti Tirtha Swami (February 25, 1950 – June 27, 2005) (previously known as John Favors and Toshombe Abdul) also known as Swami Krishnapada.] As an African American seeker who rose from the improverished condition of an Cleveland getto to become a global spiritual leader,  Bhakti Tirtha Swami met with prominent world figures such as Mohammed Ali,  Nelson Mandela  and Zambia's president Kenneth Kaunda. He wrote 17 books on religious topics and led community development projects in the United States and oth