Grassroots Holistic Health

Spiritual Warrior-The Practice of Compassion



"In today's world, we are surrounded by environments so hostle to our human and spiritual growth that higher truths cannot easily penetrate our consciousness. Yet these truths are just what we need. Physical reality is simply an external manifestation of something already set into motion at a deeper level, and material solutions to our problems will not work because they do not probe beneath the surface." The Ancient Bhagavad-gita takes the form of a long conversation between the Lord and the warrior Arjuna. As Arjuna inquires about the spiritual truths of existence, the lord offers important insights into the nature of lust. Bhakti Tirtha Swami (February 25, 1950 – June 27, 2005) (previously known as John Favors and Toshombe Abdul) also known as Swami Krishnapada.] As an African American seeker who rose from the improverished condition of an Cleveland getto to become a global spiritual leader,  Bhakti Tirtha Swami met with prominent world figures such as Mohammed Ali,  Nelson Mandela  and Zambia's president