Grassroots Holistic Health

Living In The Light Intuition and Synchronicity



Living in the light is about the transformation of consciousness within each individual and in the world. Shakti makes use of the terms "old world " and "new world" throughout the book as a way of referring to the old way of life that we are leaving behind and the new one that we are creating. For many people, this time may be distressing, because the world situation and/or our personal lives may seem to be going from bad to worse.  She indicates how our established religious institutions support the fear of the intuition, nonrational self.  Once based on a deep awareness of the universal creative principle in evey being, many religions only pay lip service to that idea now. Instead, they seek to control the behavior of their devotees, using elaborate rule structures purported to save people from their deep, irrational, and basically "sinful" natures. She states that generally, "less technically developed societies approach life with a deep awareness of and respect for the intuitive element of existence.