Grassroots Holistic Health

Part 4:Living In The Light-Relationships-Victim and Rescuer



Living in the light is about the transformation of consciousness within each individual and in the world. The author,Shakti Gawain, makes use of the terms "old world " and "new world" throughout the book as a way of referring to the old way of life that we are leaving behind and the new one that we are creating. Many people, especially those who live in the western hemisphere, find that these times may be distressing, because the world situation and/or our personal lives may seem to be going from bad to worse.  She explains how "relationships in the old world have an external focus-we try to make ourselves whole and happy by getting something from outside ourselves.  Inevitably, this expectation results in disappointment, resentment, and frustration.  Either these feelings build up constantly and cause continual strife, or they are surpressed and lead to emotional numbness.  Still we cling to relationships out of emotional insecurity, or go from one to another searching for that missing piece that we haven'