Grassroots Holistic Health

You ll See It When You Believe It..Dr. Wayne Dyer



It was the year of 1989..That the world famous author of Your Erroneous Zones wrote one of his most provocative and important books: a book that stretches beyond the bounds of self-help to self-realization.  Dr. Dyer takes us deep inside ourselves to awaken our minds, and shows us how to transform our lives by using our thoughts constructively - how to forcus on a belief and see it. To Dr, Dyer, we are our thoughts and not our bodies; our ability to think and feel is our essential humanity.  If we tap into that invisible part of us, use our minds in any way we choose, we can literally transform ourselves by going beyond the limitations of our forms.  As he puts it: "Your form must follow the rules of form. It will change many times during your lifetime. In fact, every singel cell of your entire form will change every seven years or so, and yet you will still exist." the universal principles that lead to your self-realization: Transformation: Is the ability and willingness to live beyond your form. Though