Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Geeklectic: Episode1- King Asshatery



We are 2 Geeks, talking about geeky things that interest us. Nothing more, nothing less. While iTunes is still in the process of reviewing the show, we have decided to give our Facebook and Twitter friends the chance to check it out and give us feed back! This is episode 1 of Geeklectic: We introduce the show and ourselves and go 5 by 5on: 1. Star Wars being bought by Disney 2. Lena Dunham's Girls 3. Why has Stephen never watched Community? 4. Why has Clay never watched The Big Bang Theory? 5. What are we looking forward to? We would LOVE your feedback! by email at or on twitter @geeklectic or @smartpenguin78 and follow "friend of the podcast" Will Wheaton @wilw