Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Ep 71 - The Pyramid At The End Of The World



This week, we discuss the second part of "the Monk trilogy" - The Pyramid At The End Of The World. Clay comes back to discuss Gallifrey One guests, and then vanishes like a thief in the night so he can avoid spoilers. Speaking of spoilers, this episode includes discussion about the Care Bears, professional wrestling in the 1990s, and why nitpicking is okay when *we* do it. 0:00 - 1:12 - Opening song parody 1:12 - 1:32 - Intro 1:32 - 12:00 - Gallifrey One discussion 12:00 - 14:40 - Synopsis and opening thoughts 14:40 - 35:49 - Discussion part one 35:50 - 39:32 - "Kids Talk Who" 39:33 - 1:04:32 - Discussion part two 1:04:32 - 1:05:57 - Outro All clips (c) BBC *except* for the one near the end, but that's still covered under fair use, so there.