Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Ep 73 - Empress Of Mars



Leapin' Lizards, it's the return of the Ice Warriors, as Stephen, Clay, and Andy define the term "Gatissy", discuss bootstrap paradoxes, the awesomeness of Alpha Centauri, and why this episode might be one of the season's best. Plus: Amanda Rae returns with TWO "This Week In Bill" segments, a Gilbert and Sullivan parody, a Kids Talk Who segment, and much much more on this episode where, like the Ice Empress, you'll find yourself surrounded by noisy males. Oh, and the first twenty minutes or so are basically us hashing out our feelings about the Monk trilogy, with help from Amanda Rae and a big ol' shout out to our friends at Head Over Feels. Kim's review of "The Lie Of The Land": Mark Gatiss and Matt Lucas on The Fan Show: Feedback, comments, etc.: Twitter: @coalhillcon