Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Ep 100 - "Gridlock" commentary & State Of The Fandom



That's right - it's the 100th edition of the Coal Hill AV Club, so - I don't know - I guess you should pretend this podcast is wrapped in a special gold leaf cover like Robert Holmes' "Two Doctors" novelization. Here's the deal: we start off talking about why we love the fandom and why it's a great time to be a fan, what with the Twitch stream and all. After about 25 minutes of that, we launch into a hilarious, insightful, snarktastic live commentary of the 2007 Doctor Who episode "Gridlock", because hey why the heck not? 26:51 - "Gridlock" pre-commentary 30:09 - Actual commentary (note: we were watching the Amazon Prime streaming version - we're 99% sure the DVD has the same edit, but if it doesn't, please let us know so we can crack some skulls.) twitter: @coalhillavclub email: