Awake 2 Oneness Radio

5th Dimensional Consciousness with Joanna L. Ross



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Joanna L. Ross host of Universal Unity Radio on Friday, January 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM EDT. This is the 2nd time Joanna will be our guest, however, this is the first show with her that will be Live, allowing callers to ask questions. Joanna was born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia inspired by all facets of life around her. She relocated to Vancouver in her twenties where she worked for a number of years at various public and private sector jobs, but was always drawn to the mysteries and wonders of life. Her conscious shift to metaphysics came after the birth of her second child. A series of soul-wrenching dreams impelled her to recognize her innate psychic abilities. After being prescribed to meditate as a way to make peace with her dreams, she was spun into a path of exploring and entangling with the world of energy beyond what can be physically seen. Joanna was awakened to her spirit guides, multi-dimensional, and energetic beings of a myriad of forms and species in her h