Awake 2 Oneness Radio

The State of the American Workplace



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with author Danna Beal on Friday January 27 at 7:00 PM EST. Danna is the author of The Extraordinary Workplace: Replacing Fear with Trust and Compassion. Do you have an extraordinary workplace culture? Are you and your co-workers excited, inspired, and feeling the deep satisfaction of contributing to the success of your organization? In January of 2000, Danna was awakened in the night with a clear picture and understanding of the complicated and competitive nature of relationships in today’s workplace. She also received a  vision of a new model for leadership which would cause a Shift in the workplace culture; one in which relationships are restored to trust and compassion, rather than fear. Danna could see the need for rebuilding relationships in the workplace by honoring the spirit in ourselves and others so that all people could be restored to their true identities, their inner spiritual greatness. Respect and honor would be returned to the workplace, creating environments where