Awake 2 Oneness Radio

Momentum Mastery with Thomas Young



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Thomas Young, heart teacher, on Friday February 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM EST. This show was pre-recorded in video format. Heart teacher Thomas Young walks his talk: “True trans¬formation only takes place through the heart center. The moment you anchor your life deeply in the heart center, you follow the path of the Initiates”. The clairvoyant  mystic introduces special techniques on how to experience the energy of the heart center. On his travels throughout the world Young who is of German origin experienced several heart initiations which completely transformed his life. Experience the awakening of your heart center at a weekend conference or retreat with this unconventional teacher and open yourself to true freedom and inner bliss. “To experience how the heart center of students awakens is one of the most precious adventures of our time. We sense the golden thread of our souls which showers us with love from an infinite source.” To learn more about Thomas visit his website: http:/