Awake 2 Oneness Radio

Holofractal Universal Oneness with Tash @ Metasouls



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Tash of Metasouls on Friday, June 2, 2017 at 7:00 PM EDT, explaining Holofractal Universal Oneness and the Prism of Quantum Consciousness. This show was pre-recorded. Metasouls: Exploring the inner stars of consciousness, discovering who we are. We are all “Metasouls”. Transcendental integration with soul consciousness is your spiritual birthright. Awaken the true you, live unconditionally free in your authenticity and watch the real magic of the Universe unfold through you. Unpublished, Tash has extensive volumes of his own philosophies he calls “soul-speak” that have continually proved compatible with both eastern mysticism as well as the advances in quantum physics. Through his website Metasouls and his YouTube channel, Tash now openly shares these insights with other seekers, blending his soul-speak with leading-edge spirit science to help you open doors into your own self-discovery and personal spiritual awakening. To learn more visit Tash's website: a